Feb 10, 2025

Protect Your St. Louis Business from Ransomware & Avoid What Happened with Kaseya


Jul 9, 2021

Protecting Your Business from Ransomware

Ransomware is one of the most common cybersecurity threats out there. It's a type of malware that threatens to block networks, systems, and data until a ransom is paid.

When a ransom isn’t paid, the attackers may threaten to permanently destroy your data.

Ransomware attacks can happen to companies of any size. They usually take place around the holidays. Whether or not you pay the ransom, these attacks can be incredibly costly and pose a threat for significant disruption to businesses.

From high profile companies to small business, everyone needs to be prepared for a ransomware attack. Blade's Chief Information Security Officer, Scott Shaffer, recently appeared on St. Louis’ Fox2Now's Tech Talk series to discuss recent ransomware attacks, and how to avoid them.


Explaining the Kaseya Ransomware Attack

Ransomware attacks commonly occur over holiday weekends. In July 2021, Kaseya fell victim to a ransomware attack over the July 4th weekend.

Kaseya is an IT management software company who works primarily with managed service providers (MSPs). When the attack hit Kaseya, it caused a chain reaction, trickling down to its MSPs and their clients. It's estimated between 800-1,500 small and mid-sized companies were impacted.

The ransomware attack happened to VSA software that is used by Kaseya's MSP clients. The hackers were able to get through authentication measures and gained control of the company's code and software.

The group responsible is believed to be REvil, a ransomware group who has performed cyberattacks on other companies. Their terms for the attack included unlocking all encrypted systems once they receive $70 million in bitcoin.

Since the attack, Kaseya has been implementing more advanced security systems, security measures, and a recovery plan for all parties impacted. You can follow along with updates as they continue to monitor and recover.


The Most Important Thing You Can Do to Avoid Ransomware

Partner with an MSP like Blade Technologies in St. Louis. It passes on the risk, and ensures your network is being monitored for suspicious activity.

Even though MSPs can also be impacted by ransomware infections, we can alleviate some of your risk. An MSP like Blade installs security patches, anti-malware software, and more to keep an eye on your operating systems.

If you currently have an MSP, you should be prepared to talk to them about your risk of ransomware. Ask your provider how they're protecting your systems and how they monitor suspicion activity.

It's also important to keep asking questions. Don't question just once; question them a lot. Things move very quickly, and technology is constantly changing. If your MSP is not staying up to date with how attacks are happening, it could happen to you next.

You want your provider to think like a hacker, and that's exactly what Blade does.


Questions to Ask Your MSP About Ransomware

  1. How do you secure my data?
  2. How is my network hardened?
  3. What suspicious activity are you monitoring for?
  4. How often are you monitoring for suspicious activity?
  5. What is the recovery plan in the event of an attack?


Things To Do If You Suspect a Ransomware Attack

Your employees are your first line of defense when it comes to your systems. Educating your employees on ransomware attacks and what to look out for is extremely important.

Some best practices regarding ransomware attacks include:

  • Knowing how to identify phishing emails and not replying
  • Don't click on email attachments or links from unusual or unsuspected addresses
  • Do not the pay the ransom if one is offered
  • Contact authorities and an MSP like Blade right away if you suspect an attack


Get Ransomware Protection from Blade

As a business owner, you want your company's data secure and protected. As a managed security provider, Blade does just that. We focus on your company's technology and security, so you can focus on your business.

If you've been a victim of a ransomware attack before or want to make sure it doesn't happen to you in the future, contact Blade.

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